Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's been TOOOO long!!!


I want to apologize for my absence. It's been 2 months since I've posted anything and I can't believe how SLACK I've been. Let me say, first of all, THANK YOU to everyone who emails me, calls me, pulls me aside at the Y and stops me in the hallway at school to ask me about Diane. I love it and I love that all of you are genuinely concerned for her and our family. I must admit that I it's been hard for me to post anything because things ARE so great right now. Diane feels good and is walking in healing EVERYDAY. I had a hard time coming back here and seeing where we've been and how hard things were just a few short months ago. That is truly selfish on my part because I need to remember that GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME...not just when we need something! He is faithful and just in bad times AND good times. So, here I am...I'm BAAACCCKKK....

Diane is REALLY good. She feels good and she's working out and getting her life back. We've had so many great times over the last few weeks so please enjoy the slide show! Lake Norman and a wonderful lunch for Mother's Day at the Childress Vineyards in Lexington. She had blood work last week and I'm happy to report that the cancer markers are DOWN!!! There is one level that is still somewhat elevated but it is down from the previous visit. So, this is good news! She celebrated her 39th birthday this week and is getting ready to go to her annual Anniversary trip with Tony to St. Barts..... pictures to come!

Please continue to pray for her and Tony. Pray for safe travels to St. Barts. I know they will have a great update when they return. Love to all of you -


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