Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to post from Diane

First, I want to thank those of you who have posted such encouraging comments on the blog. This is such a great way to keep in touch and it is so uplifting to hear your thoughts and know that you are praying and standing with us during this battle.

The Lord has shown me so much in the past few weeks. I can't begin to capture it all here so I will just highlight a few revelations of significance to me. First of all, I am now absolutely convinced that Jesus died not only for my salvation but also for my healing. Just read Isaiah 53:4-5, then read Matthew 8:16-17 and then read I Peter 2:24. It cannot be any more clear than that. Did you know that the Greek word for "save" is "sozo" and it means "to heal, preserve, save, do well or make whole"? Next time you're reading in the New Testament and you come across the word "save", translate it "save-heal" and see if that doesn't expand the meaning A LOT! It has for me! For example, read Romans 10:9-13. You will see the word "saved" in this passage several times. This will be a familiar passage to many of you but I will paraphrase...if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God rasied Him from the dead we will be saved [saved, preserved, HEALED and made whole]! This is so cool!

Second, God has shown me that He wants to be believed. Hebrews 11:6 says "without faith it is impossible to please God...". Faith is the crux of the Christian walk. I have allowed the enemy to atatck me in this area of my life for years now and I finally realize how serious this is and I am taking charge of the situation. God expects faith from us. His Word is very clear on the subject. We cannot expect to get anything from the Lord if we do not believe and trust Him (James 1:6-8). So, how do we "get faith"? I'm so glad you asked! Romans 10:17 says that "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God". I cannot tell you how powerful this simple statement is. Tony and I have started reading, speaking aloud and praying healing scriptures on a daily basis. It is so true that God's Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12) because something comes alive on this inside of us as we do this and we are greatly encouraged and strengthened even in the midst of pain and frustration.

Third, I believe that God wants to and is willing to heal me. As a child of God and a believer in Jesus Christ, this is my right. God has a destiny for me and I cannot fulfill it if I am why in the world would He want me sick?? He doesn't! I believe I am already healed and that the manifestation will come in due time. The Word says by his wounds or stripes you WERE healed. Past tense. The price has already been paid. I am so grateful to Jesus for what He did on the cross. Not only did he redeem us from death and sin but He has provided for our abundant life here and now. I can tell you that a life of pain and suffering is not an abundant life....that is why I know it is not His will for us to be sick.

Someone recently asked me where I might have "missed God" along the way with respect to the treatment options I chose. I thought for a moment and it came to me that I didn't miss God in the sense that I heard Him wrong or thought I heard Him and didn't hear Him at all or whatever. Where I went wrong was putting my all my energy, faith and hope in the treatments, food, supplements, etc... I couldn't wrap my brain around God using those things to heal me, although I felt Him whisper to me last year not to get caught up in all of this but to look to Him. I knew better in my mind but for some reason, I couldn't see how they (God and the treatments) worked together. It was like it was either Him or the treatments and because of the deception of the enemy, I unconciously chose the treatments. To put it simply, I wasn't exercising my faith. Now that I know what the Word of God says about healing, I realize that God can use anything He wants (or nothing at all) to heal me. The key is putting our trust in Him completely, relying on Him to lead us to do what He wants us to do and believing for healing. I continue to eat healthy (most of the time...although my Mom's Thanksgiving dressing WITH turkey gravy was off the rack!!) and take my supplements and even the tamoxifen but I no longer look to those things for my healing. I cannot explain it other than to say that the Word of God is powerful and the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes and heart to many things.

I'm not sure if this blog has a character limitation but anyone who knows me well enough, knows I'll hit it one of these days. Love you all. In closing, here are few more scriptures that we are clinging to.....

Psalm 103:3
Mark 11:23-24
Mark 16:17-18
Romans 4:17-21
Hebrews 13:8
James 5:14-15
I John 3:21-22


Unknown said...

Bless you, Diane. You too, Jen for this incredible site. Mom and Dad joined us in FL for T'giving and told me about the battle. I know it's been YEARS since we hung out with sand between our toes, but please know I stand with you. God is able.

With Love,

Shannon Moeller said...

Diane and Jen,
Reading this blog has opened my eyes to, once again, the importance of faith and family. I truly believe that the strength comes from what and whom you surround yourself with! Your family has a special gift of unconditional love and tremendous strength. I know the Pyatt girls well and I would want them on my side in times of great need. Diane, I find your faith and optimism powerful. Even in the hardest of times never lose that because it will sustain you. I know you don't need to be told that, it sounds like you've got that under control! Please know you have prayers being sent your way all the time. You look beautiful, as always!!
Jennifer, I know a sister's love and I am so incredibly proud of you for creating this blog! You are an amazing person and I am proud to call you my friend! Merry Christmas to both of you! I wish you the happiest of holidays and a New Year full of peace and happiness!